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The CMC fulfills two roles in hair, they are ___________ and__________.
The correct answer is A, the CMC binds the individual cuticle cells together and protects the cortex of the hair
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Chemical services like color and texture ___________ this protection.
The correct answer is A, damage. When the CMC reacts with chemicals in color and texture, it is damaged and will wash away with shampoo and water.
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Lipid Layer Quencher contains the same ________ as the naturally occurring CMC.
The correct answer is A, molecules. Lipid Layer Quencher uses the same molecules that are naturally found in the CMC to rebuild and repair it, naturally.
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To achieve the best results, Lipid Layer Quencher will be used in place of _________ after a chemical service.
The correct answer is C, shampoo. When the CMC is damaged and then mixed with a surfactant like shampoo the CMC will wash away and the protection and adhesive literally go down the drain.
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Hair that has been treated with Lipid Layer Quencher will be ___________ and ___________, naturally!
All of these answers are correct! The CMC is restored with Lipid Layer Quencher.
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